Make a difference.
These are our current
Global outreach projects 2022
LIFT Thailand
The pandemic lockdowns have taken a toll on the economy and the mental health of high school and college students. Suicides and depression have risen sharply. Our team has created a transformational event that helps young people process the mental battle they are fighting right now. We call it Lift.
Over the course of two hours students make new friends, do active object lessons about how to have an overcoming mind, and learn (often for the first time) about Jesus, the Lord of the sound mind.
They hear testimony from a believer about how Jesus helps them overcome fear, anxiety and depression. They write their prayers to him on helium balloons and launch them into the heavens with prayers and shouts. Then they are invited to join a ten-week discipleship training so they can also follow Jesus as King.
Colleges are welcoming this initiative as a way of helping them to deal with the rise of mental health issues on campus. It is proving to be a great introduction to the gospel for a nation where only half of one percent know about and follow Christ.
Your donation will open the door of the gospel to students in Thailand in 2022.
Project cost $32,000
Anti-trafficking Outreach
Project Justice International is an Emerge-sponsored organization dedicated to the prevention, rescue and legal protection of children living in an environment of exploitation and sex trafficking. The ministry is currently reaching into hundreds of affected lives in Thailand. The organizational crime trail of exploitation leads through other neighboring nations so PJI is seeking to establish a presence there also.
We are in phase one of this expansion. The current needs are to establish an official office, with minimal staff, and proceed in the legal establishment of a government-recognized anti-trafficking organization. After this we will have government covering to expand this life-saving outreach.
Your donation will enable the rescue of girls as young as 14 from the hands of human traffickers.
Project Cost $37,000
Batang Sidewalk Ministries.
is an outreach to 10,000 children who live in squatter’s barrios in Metro Manila. In most of these families, no member has ever completed high school. As the children enroll in the Batang Sidewalk program they meet Christ and are discipled to lead their families out of drunkenness, drug abuse and poverty that have kept them enslaved for generations.
An essential part of the success if Sidewalk is the scholarship program that has seen 100 kids reach the life-changing milestone of a college degree. It’s so affordable. Imagine being able to tell a kid, “I will scholarship you all the way through high school and college” because you know it will only cost $500 a year. Impossible to them, but definitely in the reach of anyone in the West who really wants to do it. Rewrite a life story by investing in the Sidewalk Kids Scholarship Fund.
Project Cost: $50,000 (100 scholarships)
Leadership Expansion
In every generation God raises up new messengers. Emerge is a Samuel ministry, supporting, anointing, and mentoring God’s new David leaders in the nations.
Already, Medialight has trained and networked leaders from 40 nations. In 2022, we are launching our fully online program and using the video content of this program to launch live face-to-face mobile schools throughout the world.
Our first target nations are Albania, Ethiopia and the Philippines.
Funds will be used for the expense of startup and for supporting the staff and technology needed.