We’re facing our greatest challenge in centuries

We’ve lost touch with the digital generation and it’s a catastrophe unless we can fix it

Culture has turned against the church. Our young people are being discipled by media 8 hours a day and they are being affected.


will leave church by their 30th Birthday.*

*Barna Group Research

We can fix this, IF we act now.

Anti-Christ culture applies constant pressure on the global church. This stress has revealed our greatest weakness, a global crisis of non-discipleship.

We’re sincere and we are busy, but our busy churches are simply not producing resilient and loyal disciples of Jesus. What’s the solution?

We need to Re-Jesus the Church.

Jesus said that being a disciple is based on ACTION, not education.

Action discipleship

(No books. No classes. Just action.)

Introducing the Jesus Quest

The Jesus Quest is a 50 day challenge to reclaim 7 lost practices of Jesus.

  1. We meet as a small group to watch a short video introducing the week’s Jesus practice. Then we all follow it every day for a week. Just obey Jesus. No more talking. Disciples are doers.

  2. Repeat seven cycles.

  3. No books. No teachings. Not a class. Not a Bible study. It’s a DO, not a read.

    That’s the way of Jesus.

    Join the 50 day Jesus Quest challenge today!

Bring the Jesus Quest to your small group

There’s nothing to teach. It’s all on the short video. You just need someone to call the group together and be the host for the weekly gatherings. We have a hosting guide so you can help everyone get the most from their experience. Entire churches can do the Jesus Quest together. The video will only take 6-10 minutes. It’s all about the doing.

The big payoff is the next week’s meeting when everyone tells their stories of how the practices of Jesus are molding them into the shape of the life Jesus modeled for all of us. Action-based discipleship. Just like Jesus did it.

Accept the Challenge.

Learn how to live a fully human life by following the 7 ancient practices of Jesus.